Message from Reverend Mar Imsong:
MBMM has successfully implemented the Thriving Pastoral Ministry Program funded by the
Lilly Endowment through Ethnic Clergy Group (Cohort) and Intercultural Clergy Group
(Cohort) for the last 4 years.
One of the important factors for ethnic pastors to thrive in ministry is instead of building parameters around who and where we are to serve, we must be willing to cross borders by building bridges with one another and learn and grow together. Currently, we have 97 pastors participating in our Thriving Pastoral Ministry Program from 76 churches representing different ethnic, cultural and theological camps.
Although, we have been working hard to break down barriers, what Martin Luther King, Jr.
said in 1956 is still true: “You must face the tragic fact that when you stand at 11:00 on
Sunday morning to sing “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” and “Dear Lord and Father of
all Mankind,” you stand in the most segregated hour of Christian America.”
We are now in a time of even greater diversity than when King spoke those words, yet we
can still find ourselves segregated based on culture, theology, or politics. Scripture calls on us
to be one body, with Christ as the head in order to thrive in the ministry. Our goal is to have
honest and bold conversations and build bridges with one another. We hope that you will
join the Allelon Gathering. Your presence is very important because you are part of the
Many Blessings,
Mar Imsong